Let a donkey take charge for a while
Burned-Out, Stressed, or Depressed?

Take a break from relationship and money problems.
Take a break from a body that does not want to breath properly.
Take a break from al those useless, self-repeating thougths and discover the therapeutic value of beiing with a donkey.
making contact with them, to take care of them, cuddling them and walking with them.
It would do people a lot of good, not to fly and run as usual, but to experience the world through the mind of a donkey, because the soul loves to saunter.
From me you will receive understanding and support,which will allow you to be yourself at all moments.
From my donkeys you will get tranquil company of calm and never in a hurry, something that was common since the dawn of man, but which is now nearly more expensive than gold.
For adress and contact see page: practical
What is donkey therapy?

When you arrive at our place, I will presume that you are severely tired or stressed.
You can install yourself in a comfortable apartment, holiday home or caravan, for the rest we leave everything to you.
If you want to stay in bed for a week, No problem, we bring your food and drinks and take away the empty plates and glasses.
But it woud be more fun if you eat with us in our home and together with me,choose out of our 12 donkeys, one who will be your partner and cuddle friend for the rest of your stay.
When you have chosen your donkey, we leave again everything up to you.
We might go for a walk with you and your donkey and go as far as you want to go.
Back on the farm you can stay together with your donkey outside or in the stable, day and night if you want.

If you want and can go some further,then we put a packsaddle on your donkey and take our picknick with us.
When you are able to do it alone, then I give you a cellphone, so that we can stay in touch,as we are surrounded by kilometers of hills,forest and meadows with lost in it, a farm from time to time.
If you try to go into the mind of a donkey, you will be having an experience impossible to obtain in the city.
A moment will come that your donkey won't move anymore and nice words, beating or pushing won't help, there is just something your friend does not understand or recognize and he or she freezes: Fear? Depression?
I do not know, what I know is that it is a survival mechanism, when the unknown is regonized as NOT dangerous or harmfull they walk on, like nothing ever happened.
Does something sound familiar to you.
Who invents such a thing?

I am not a therapist, but I know a lot about depression and burnout, not out of a book, but out of experience.
I have lost women and jobs, took quite a bit of acohol.
In short I was on the way to the madhouse.
What I learned thanks to the Buddhas is, not to follow with my thougths when depression or tiredness is surfacing, but to to stay separete from it, to observe it, taking care to avoid negatifity, in other words, I am able to laugh, even if there is strong inner pain.
Now you know that I am able to sense where you come from.
How long does donkey-therapy take?

At least a week, atmost,a lifetime.
When you are able to walk a few kilometers with pleasure, then you do not realy need me and my donkeys anymore.
"The road has no destination, because the road is the destination!" (Lao Tsu)
But the farewell will be difficult, because one must have a hart of stone not to fall in love with those long eared creatures, which seem to dream constantly.


Cabin in and outside.
We live in the Aude in the foothhills of the French Pyrenees (Click here for a chart)
The lodging is simple, the food good and the vieuw grandiose

price: Euro 650.- a week, donkey, food and lodging included, reduction for bookings longer than a week and groups.
Transport can be arranged, Toulouse airport dist. 130 km. Euro 70. per transport.
Carcasonne airport or railway station dist. 45 km Euro 35. per transport.
Ryan air flies several times a day from several airports out of the UK to Carcassonne.
Toon Mastenbroek
Courtizaire du Milieu
11230 Montjardin
Tel : +33-468692657
web site: www.donkey-therapy.com
From Carcassonne you take the D118 to Limoux (20 km) next the D620 direction Chalabre, about 5 km before Chalabre turn to the left to “Route de Cretes”, then after 1,3 km turn right on the rural road. After 1,2 km you are at the farm, it is the 2nd house on this rural road.

Do not see the donkey program as something that absolutly has to be done, remember the road of "have to" is the longest.
At 15 minutes by car is the beautifull lake of Montbel surrounded by mountains and forests, not yet discovered by mass tourism.
When the weather permits, we can go there.I can inflate an airbed and you can float like in paradise.
When it rains you can choose a book, yes in English.
The country is extremely beautifull, but one can still taste something of the disaster that happened 800 years ago, when pope Innocent the 3rd ordered the only crusade ever made on European soil.
The Cathars followers of an original Christianity plus the whole civilisation they lived in and with, were wiped out by North European warlords, who as compansation for there efforts were given their lands and goods.
If you are interested I can show you around.
You can also just come for a holiday, with your tent or in our house,with or without
renting a donkey.

Toon Mastenbroek September 2009, pictures 2005/2008
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